Are you RESPA Compliant?
In our business we see violations everyday. We thought this would be good information to share with our local real estate community. The...

The DBPR NEW RULES on Team or Group Advertising.
Do you operate your Real Estate Business as a Team or Group? If so, you may want to pay attention to this post. While this may seem...

Closing Real Estate with Bitcoin (Recap)
We just wanted to take a minute thank everyone who showed up at Bitcoin in Real Estate Seminar today. The turn out was unprecedented! In...

Buyer's can use Bitcoin to buy Florida real estate!
I learn most of life's lessons the hard way, including if we should accept Bitcoin or not. Recently we received a contract for 1.5...

An Irish Grammar Lesson.
Each and every year millions of Irish, Irish-ish and amateur drinkers across America embrace the Holy Tradition of drinking themselves...

10 Things a Title Company does.
When you are buying a home, it can be hard to understand why there are so many people involved, and exactly what each one is doing....

You're Invited to a party.
We would like to invite you to celebrate the grand opening of our Beach office. Stop by meet the team, network with other professionals...

Taking video marketing to the next level.
In today's market most real estate agents are taking to social media to promote themselves and the properties they sell. It's no secret...

Our New Fort Myers Beach Office.
In order to better serve our customers on Fort Myers Beach, we are pleased to announce that on February 19th 2018 we are opening a...

Are closing costs tax deductible?
If you have refinanced or taken out a mortgage in the past year you may be eligible to deduct some of your closing costs. The tax rules...